< General information on Eugene and her family

Eugenie – grey dilute tabby – a clone of her sister Amelie. She and her sister have been the first to litter box train, the first to wean, and they love each other’s company, especially at the food dish.
Eugenie is the French spelling pronounced oh-gen-ay (soft g).

We would love to see Amelie and Eugenie be part of the same Forever Family!

Interesting in making Eugenie (and her BFF Amelie!) part of your Forever Family? Please fill out the Adoption Application below.
Interested in giving a cat a loving Forever Family? Please fill out an Adoption Application. Adoption approval and a $50 deposit fee are required to place a cat on hold. Cats can be placed on hold after your Adoption Application has been approved.
Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.
Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.