Available for Adoption at the end of September or early October 2019

Rutland, VT

The Food Kittens are here to fill your heart with cuteness!

The Food Kittens, left to right: Sesame, Alfredo, Peach (Adoption Pending) and Schnitzel. Photo approximately September 9, 2019

This beautiful set of fuzzballs came from a new cat colony we working on in Whitehall, NY. They came to us covered in fleas, and with flea-based anemia. After being treated for fleas, they bounced back quickly and settled without any complaints into regular meals, a lot of love and affection, and cozy places to sleep.

The Food Kitten – Kitten pile

The Food Kittens tested negative (good news) for FeLV, FIV and Heartworm. Prior to adoption they will have been spayed or neutered, have received an FVRCP#1 vaccine and a microchip. We estimate they were born in mid-July 2019.

The Food Kittens; Early September 2019
This photo proves The Food Kittens do other things besides nap in unbearably cute positions.
Alfredo (left) and Schnitzel (right); Early September 2019 – Nap anyone? Kittens do really well when adopted in pairs. They keep each other company and make great (and funny) playmates.
Peach (top) and Schnitzel (bottom); Early September 2019

Sesame – ADOPTED

Sesame; Early September – “I am warm here at the bottom of the kitten pile!” That is Schnitzel on her left.

Sesame is the most laid back and shy of the bunch, but her personality might be brought out more when her siblings aren’t stealing the show. She loves her naps and lounging in the sun–she does join in chasing her brothers and sister–she would just usually prefer to watch their shenanigans. Give her a nice cozy blanket in a sunny spot and she is very content.

Sesame: Early September – She likes to sleep on her foster dad!
Sesame; September 11, 2019
Sesame; September 11, 2019
Sesame; September 11, 2019

Schnitzel – ADOPTED

Male Kitten, estimated date of birth mid-July 2019

Schnitzel; September 11, 2019

Schnitzel is often not far behind his brother, Alfredo. He enjoys all toys as well, and likes to know what’s going on outside. He’s good around kids, and is usually not far away when they are playing because he wants to join in on the fun! He loves being brushed, he just melts.

Schnitzel; Early September 2019 – He is made for the camera! Black toe-beans!
Schnitzel; Early September 2019 – “BOX!”

Alfredo – ADOPTED

Male Kitten, estimated date of birth mid-July 2019

Alfredo; Early September – “I iz cuooot!”

Alfredo is not shy at all. He is the first to run up and greet you when you walk into the room, and if you have food he will instantly be your best friend. He’s not afraid to venture a visit to visit our dogs, and loves batting at and chasing around toys. He’s great with our kids, and is quite a snuggler⁠—he will jump up on you and start purring and kneading away. Alfredo is such a love!

Alfredo; Early September – “I iz cuooot-ter!”


Peach – Likely adopted by the brother of her foster mother. Can’t imagine why. Can you?

To adopt any or all of these kittens (kittens do really well adopted in pairs!), please submit an application below.

Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.

Interested in giving a cat a loving Forever Family? Please fill out an Adoption Application. Adoption approval and a $50 deposit fee are required to place a cat on hold. Cats can be placed on hold after your Adoption Application has been approved.

Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.