We operate exclusively on the generous donations of the community. We and the kitties are very grateful.



Does your employer provide donation matching?

Amazon Wishlist

Donate urgently needed supplies through one of our Amazon Wishlists.

Amazon Wishlist or Amazon Kitten Supplies Wishlist

Chewy Wishlist

The Feline Connection Wish List on Chewy

Donate by check:

Make checks to: The Feline Connection

PO Box 567
Rutland VT 05702

The Feline Connection’s Friendship Program has information on what your donations support and the program’s benefits.

Become a Sponsor

Fundraising is an essential part of running The Feline Connection. We have a dedicated group of incredible volunteers caring for fostered cats and kittens, but there are many costs associated with that care. As part of our Funds to the Rescue Project, we are thrilled to roll out our Sponsorship Program.

Proud Sponsor storefront stickers

This program is ideal for businesses looking to support their community and promote their business at the same time


We’re excited to share that The Feline Connection has earned a
2023 Silver Seal of Transparency with Candid! Now, you can
support our work with trust and confidence by viewing our NonprofitProfile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/84-3915553#mission